Nice to meet you!

Hi! We’re Lynnda & Deborah, we are moms and we are certified coaches.

Fate had us meet each other through our jobs, and a deep need for connection had us stay in touch and build a beautiful friendship.

As we spent days sharing about our ups and downs, our children’s milestones and our own feelings being mothers, we realized how much was this a core need for us.

To share, to be heard, to be understood and to be supported.

That is why we decided to extend this space to all the moms out there and create an online mothers village! For them to come together, share , receive guidance and access all the resources that they so deeply desire and need.

We believe motherhood is not a journey to be walked alone, and we want to help all the moms out there to have a village to support them through it all!

Meet Lynnda Houston

Rapid results coach

Especially since becoming a mom of two (but also as a new mom) I have felt a desperate need to share and connect with other moms who are experiencing similar things so that we can support each other in this beautiful and important journey called motherhood.

Often I feel like our society provides more support for the individual’s needs, or what you need as a worker but there’s not enough support and space to take some of the pressure off as mom.

That’s why Deborah and I decided to create this space for mothers to share and connect. A place to refill your cup as a mom in sisterhood with other moms around the world so you can feel renewed and reenergized in the most important job of all: being mom .

Being a mom is the best job in the world but also the hardest…

Hi I’m Lynnda! I’m a Swedish-American living in Sweden. I’m a certified Rapid Results Coach and founder of Inner Wellness Coaching, helping leaders & organizations create purposeful living & working in a sustainable way.

I’m a wife and a mom of two beautiful children, 5 and 1 years old. They’re my everything . They give me so much joy each day as we play, dance, sing, learn and explore together. Being a mom has become such a big part of my identity and I’m so proud to be a mom.

But it’s not easy . As mom I often sacrifice my sleep, my wants and my needs in order to be there for them when they need me. I am such an important presence in their lives yet I am often left exhausted and deprived of even the basic things like sleep, rest and a shower. Those days I’m in survival mode and all I want is rest or at the very least a cup of coffee and chocolate.

Meet Deborah Calì-Matsugane

Mindfulness coach, self-care coach, conscious parenting

I am Deborah, Italian lady living in Germany and I am a mindfulness coach.

I am married since 2017 and have a 2 years old daughter that I adore.

Becoming a mother brought a lot of unexpected challenges and decisions to be made that I really didn't feel ready for.

I remember the exact moment after giving birth when the nurse put my little baby in my arms and I thought:

"And what do I do now??"

I prepared so much for the pregnancy, I did everything right up until then, followed all the doctor's instructions, but all of a sudden the baby was here and I had no idea on what to do! I felt lost.

Advice came from left and right.

The expectations from doctors and society in general were over the roof. I kept on trying to be a perfect mother and just ended up feeling even more stressed and burned out.

It took me some time to figure out that the best answers are always the ones that come from the heart. That if I can learn to tune into my own instinct then I'd find everything I need right there

Throughout this journey there was one thing that helped me enormously: having other mothers to share with.

They were there for me to simply listen and share without judging, criticising or offering unsolicited advice. It was so empowering and liberating to simply share our emotions and talk about our days and experiences.

A big part of every mother's struggle is loneliness and not being understood. And that's why we're here! We created this platform to offer an opportunity for mothers to come together and share open heartedly about their experience in a safe and inclusive space. Looking forward to get to know you all and to connect in this online mothers village!